Self Defense For a Woman in a City is Important

Self defense for women is now adding clarity to this subject. Self defense remains a complex topic that is made even more complex due to erroneous information out there. Self defense courses seek to reverse this problem. Far too often, teaching a woman martial arts is considered the cure all for any serious threat she may face. Whether the martial arts take the form of traditional styles or modern ultimate fighting systems, neither really address the serious concerns surrounding women's self-defense. Thankfully, through self defense classes, the ability to acquire a proper foundation in women's self-defense can be realized.

One of the main components of a serious self defense class would be the stressing of awareness on an environment. Awareness refers to the ability to be completely cognitive of your surroundings. This allows you to either completely avoided aggressive behavior, become less of a target, or employ the physical techniques you learned in your private self defense classes in a more appropriate manner. Since awareness is a major component that is stressed in the course material, the student's ability to preserve her safety is greatly enhanced.

Understanding how an aggressor behaves is important to successful dealing with such a threat. Now, the way to properly deal with the threat is to escape. By escaping, your ability to walk away from the situation safe and unharmed is greatly expanded. A solid New Orleans self defense program will present clear and detailed information on this subject. Many streetfighting programs may stress more direct engagement with an assailant but this is very dangerous and often unnecessary. Scenario training that centers on avoidance, awareness, and averting will usually provide much better and safer results.

Common scenarios could include recognizing danger when you step up to an ATM. Can you recognize people who may be willing to do you harm and, if so, can you extract yourself from such a difficult scenario safely? If not, then taking a self defense class would be a wise move.

However, there will come a time when it may be necessary to attack an assailant. While we would prefer that such a situation was completely avoided, such avoidance truly is not always possible. As a result, the need to take a defensive (or offensive) action will be necessary. And, of course, it is critical to do so in a manner that would be deemed effective. New Orleans self defense classes can ensure your response to a serious situation will be an effective one. This is how you will preserve your safety and avoid any serious harm from befalling you. Knowing you can deal with such a situation can definitely instill the confidence needed to act when a problem arises.

In short, any woman looking to preserve her personal safety is well advised to explore the options available through local self defense programs. They can provide the much needed information for improving personal safety and maintaining proper control over one's life.

The Mineral Make Up Revolution

Mineral make up has hit the market with a healthy start, using infomercials for education and bringing bargain deals to the consumer. There are plenty of expert companies that have perfected all natural products, and all eager to earn your business. Finding the right mineral make up company for you may be determined by price, convenience or color choices. Natural cosmetics products include pure, earth based, skin matching foundations for a perfect complexion; mineral blushers for a hint of color; mineral bronzer for an all over, even glow; and every shade of eyeshadow you can imagine. Mineral cosmetics for the eyes come in an array of fashion colors from deep toned, matte finishes, to lighter glamor shades with sparkles and iridescent highlights.

Once you have purchased your mineral make up, it's well advised that you invest in quality cosmetic brushes, using a separate brush for each type of mineral cosmetics. Over sized brushes work the best for blending mineral powder makeup, as you'll sweep the powder onto your skin with large, light strokes to achieve your desired color tone. The amount of product you use, combined with the colors you select, will give you a custom finish - just like if you had visited a professional makeup artist.

For women with sensitive skin, mineral make up will deliver you a top quality product, free of chemicals and preservatives that are found in traditional cosmetics. The basic ingredients include zinc oxide, serecite mica and titanium dioxide, making these natural cosmetics safe for most people who may have suffered allergic reactions to preservatives. The market has flooded with exciting natural make up products to try, and shopping for cosmetics has never been so much fun.

For women just getting started in the all natural and organic makeup craze, you may have to shop around until you find your perfect color. Try starting with mineral make up foundation, and slowly build up your cosmetics collection from there. If you choose to buy everything at once, there are many good starter kits and options that will save you time and money. Shopping for mineral make up, like anything else, takes some research and wise planning, but that's part of the fun!

J.Lynne Cosmetics offers a wide selection of mineral makeup products for every skin type and skin tone. From loose powder natural cosmetics, to a wide range of mineral make up brushes, J.Lynne has everything you need to get started with their beautiful, natural looking makeup!

Five Sizzling Beach Styles For the Summer

Summer may just be starting, and you might just be beginning to think about testing the waters, but in many parts of the country the beaches are sizzling. With temperatures soaring into the triple digits, beach goers that want to make a splash should be prepared before hitting the sand.

Summer fun can be easy, with a few cool summer styles to start you off.

Beat the heat with a funky new beach bag. Beach bags are hot, hot, hot, this summer and designer inspired over-sized bags at a reasonable price can be found almost anywhere near the beach. They're big enough to carry an extra swimsuit, cover-up, sunscreen and water bottle. And this year they are wild. Floral and glitter are the rage, turning the beach into a sandy runway. Experiment. Let your inner diva free...

Summer scarves are making a comeback and not just for accenting your wardrobe. Beach trotting fashionistas can be spotted sporting colorful floral scarves. Worn as an accessory to protect and keep your hair under control or as a swimwear cover-up, scarves are making waves this season. And they can be worn in a number of ways to keep you looking sleek and chic even on the hottest of days.

Glam it up with a pair of over-sized sunglasses. This summer's cool shades will protect your eyes in a variety of fun and funky colors, but spend some time and find the right fit for your face. And once you do, make a bold statement with a colorful pair and heads will snap in your direction. Who just might have someone ask you for your autograph.

Find your summer sole mate and step onto the sand with a sexy pair of thong sandals. You'll be the envy of every girl on the beach. So go get your pedicure now ladies and show off those pretty painted toes in a comfortable pair of trendy sling backs.

Look like a celeb and nurture your skin. Tinted moisturizer will keep your skin smooth and protected while giving you that healthy sun-kissed glow. Find an oil free brand that still hydrates your skin and you'll look morning fresh while knowing you're being good to yourself. So enjoy the summer under a beachside umbrella or big floppy hat and still look as if you're a true sun goddess.

These are just a few simple ways to look sexy and chic in the summertime anyone ready for a dip?

Juanita McClellan is a professional writer who resides in Jacksonville, Florida with her husband, Jim. In addition she has a home-based business selling a line of cosmetics and beauty products. You can find out more about her line of Mark beauty products on her website:

I'm Pregnant - Can I Have Alternative Therapy?

Are you pregnant and hoping to enhance this experience by enjoying some complimentary therapy? You may have benefited from alternative therapies in the past and want to continue into your pregnancy but feel concerned about their safety at this time? Pregnancy is a special and thrilling time, and enjoying your pregnancy is a key part of looking after your and your babies well being. Pregnancy is a natural condition and our bodies have the wherewithal to cope with all the astonishing developments within us, but for some women it is a difficult time. If you are struggling with aspects of your pregnancy it is important to recognize that this is not your fault. Becoming a mother is amazing but it can be difficult too. The stresses and strains of life and the remarkable changes taking place within your body can leave you feeling exhausted and worried.

Throughout your life your physical and emotional health is vitally important for leading a well balanced, fulfilling life. When this is ignored it is all too easy to find the frustrating and stressful experiences mounting and becoming overwhelming. All of a sudden fun, laughter and the excitement of being a mum-to-be can seem like a thing of the past. One popular way to restore this balance is through complementary therapies. The use of such therapies can also benefit you and your baby when you become pregnant. There are many treatments that are safe during pregnancy such as hypnotherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy and reflexology. It is important to check the qualifications of any therapist you see and be sure to tell them you are pregnant so the treatment can be modified to you and your babies needs.

Reflexology is a well-established complementary therapy that has been used in various forms around the world since ancient times. Reflexology is not an invasive treatment that focuses on pressures points in the feet and hands. The perceptive, trained hands of a reflexology practitioner can identify tiny deposits and imbalances in the feet. By working on these areas, generally using hands only, the therapist can help to balance the whole body. Reflexology is a wonderfully relaxing experience. This specialized foot massage can help your body to handle the stresses of everyday life and cope with many of the common ailments associated with pregnancy. For example fatigue, mood swings, nausea and vomiting, swollen ankles and pelvic and back pain.

Now picture yourself slipping off your shoes and sitting back to enjoy an hour of blissful relaxation. This is a time for you to convey positive, relaxed, tranquil emotions to your baby. People confirm that a reflexology massage feels wonderful and can also provide time to breathe and enjoy your pregnancy.

During labor it self, it can be utilized for relaxation and pain relief. In the post-natal period, it is often brilliant for breastfeeding problems such as maintaining or increasing milk supply, postnatal depression and general relaxation. Research has shown that women who have regular reflexology treatments during pregnancy have far shorter labor than those who do not (on average one third as long). Reflexology is continuing to establish its reputation and regard through the positive results people experience. Empiric knowledge and research studies have demonstrated that those receiving regular reflexology during pregnancy have enhanced pregnancies and shorter birthing with less intervention.

The unborn baby also appears to enjoy Reflexology and it is common for babies to become very lively during a treatment. In some cases the therapist will be able to feel the baby growing - first a little like a tadpole, and then at times a bulge growing on the inner side of your foot, above the heel. Your feet really can reflect what is going on in your body particularly at this exciting time.

Reflexology is great in pregnancy because all you need to do is ease off your shoes and socks and sit back, usually in a recliner chair or on a couch. There is no need to worry about undressing or lying flat as the therapist really just needs your feet so you can easily find a comfortable position that suits all three of you The reflexology therapist, you and your baby!

The history of this specialized holistic massage shows how complementary therapies improved lives well before western medicine developed. The term alternative therapy is often used for treatments of this kind and this may be misleading. It could suggest that reflexology is a substitute or alternative to traditional medical care but it is not. It can compliment traditional medicine with great success but not be complete replacement. The treatment is not a replacement for medical care and advice from your health care provider should always be sought when you have health concerns.

If you choose to begin any alternative therapies during pregnancy you and your therapist will decide whether you wish to begin during the first three cautious months of pregnancy. At this stage, many women worry about the risk of miscarriage. Even though the aim of reflexology and many other holistic therapies is simply to bring about balance, it would be all too easy for a mum to feel that the treatment may have contributed in some way if the pregnancy ended during this time. To avoid doubt, many therapists ask mums-to-be to get back in touch after the first three months. However, there are practitioners who are experienced or who specialize in maternity treatments that may be willing to treat at this time, so please do talk to them

Every pregnancy is unique and you are your own best specialist. We all need guidance and support at this exciting time and it is important to seek out care that benefits you and your baby. Relaxing and looking after your physical and mental health may help you to enjoy this wonderful time and promote a positive, healthy and calm environment for your baby. It is an exciting journey to becoming a mum!

Many people find complimentary therapies very beneficial and enjoyable for adults, children and babies alike. If you are concerned about your health please do consult your health care provider.

How to Choose a Trendy Hairstyle For 2009

For so many of us the way our day goes, is how are hair looks. This must be why they say a woman's crowning glory is her hair. There is no one hairstyle that works for everyone. So no matter how trendy a style is be sure you pick one that works for you. In this article we will try to give you some insight into the trendy hairstyles for 2009.

First, Bob Cuts, these are a classic cut that looks well on most women and works well with or without bangs. The great thing about this style is that it can be easily modified.

Second, Page Boy, this is basically a longer Bob Cut. This style is elegant for both younger and older women. but seems to be more popular with an older woman. It is an traditional style with the ends turned under giving it a rounded look.

Third, Spike Cuts, these can work for both a younger woman and a more mature woman. This is a style that is favored by a more active woman that requires a low maintenance hairstyle.

Fourth, Crop Cuts, this is for the woman who wants layers. It gives the illusion of hair with more volume. It can be worn with or without bangs. When the hairdresser does this cut they usually use a razor rather than a scissor.

Lastly, Long Hair, classic and lovely, whether worn loose or tied back. There was a myth that older women should not wear long hair because it made them look older. Now it is perfectly acceptable for an older woman to have long hair. Hair can be worn long and full with soft waves or the popular look today of being loosely tied back in a bun or knot. Which ever style you choose be creative and try new things.

There are as many opinions on how to recover from rape as there are books, services, articles and blog posts on the subject. I choose to share mine with you because I've seen and read much from jaded, negative, cynical "victims" who are still living as victims. Your following their advice can only lead you to live as a victim yourself. I am one of the few rape survivors, I'm aware of, with a positive attitude about men, dating, safety and life in general, so let's get you on the same path!

1. Realize rape is not personal

Every attack, from name calling to rape and murder, is all about the attacker and the power-fix he or she seeks. Although you can put yourself in a dangerous situation, the blame always lies with the attacker.

2. Release it from your subconscious

Talking will prolong your agony and lead you in circles. Hypnosis, EFT, and other energy techniques that reach the subconscious mind (where the situation is filed) will help if you truly want recovery.

3. Check your self-esteem

After I achieved healthy self-esteem, I realized having it earlier would have prevented the rape situation in my life and many other less positive experiences.

4. Establish and enforce personal boundaries

Determine, ahead of time, what is acceptable and unacceptable to you to prevent yourself from entering dangerous situations. Doing this will boost your confidence, which results in healthier self-esteem.

5. Choose to live as a survivor

My definition of victim: "Someone who is currently being attacked." The rape is over; you cannot be a victim of it any longer. You can, however, choose to live as a victim of your own negative attitude like many of the aforementioned "authorities" on surviving rape.

6. Chin up, live life

Allowing a creep from the past to control your present and future is giving all of your power away. Women are the strongest creatures on the Earth; join the party!

So rape is something that occurred in your life as it did in mine. We move forward strengthened from what we've been through, not weakened because of it. In seeking information on how to recover from rape, make sure you want the life of the person you're taking advice from. I live positive, happy, grateful and abundant every day.

And now I'd like to invite you to get your FREE Instant Access to a 20-Minute TeleSeminar Audio entitled, "How to Release Fear, for Safety's Sake," and a sample Safety Quick Tip when you visit

You'll be invited to participate in a guided Emotional Freedom Techniques session with an international author and Energy Practitioner.

Herbal Breast Enhancers - Do They Really Work?

Herbal breast enhancers have grown in popularity in recent times as women search for a non-surgical approach to making their breasts larger. Many women can't afford the expensive breast augmentation surgery or are not prepared to take the risks involved, and so they are looking for a more natural alternative.

The growth in demand for female breast enhancers has produced an influx of herbal products onto the market. Unfortunately, not all of them are high quality and ethical. Before deciding to use a natural breast enhancer, make sure you do some research and look for quality products that will work safely and effectively.

Herbal breast enhancement products contain phytoestrogens that stimulate the mammary glands to promote increased growth of the breast tissue. This enlarges the size of the breasts. The effect of this type of product may be short-lived, because of the fluctuation of the body's natural estrogen levels.

If there is an incorrect balance of estrogen-type elements in the herbal breast supplements, this could result in too much estrogen into the system. This would cause you to see some of the usual symptoms of an imbalance such as skin breakouts and an increase in cellulite. Other than this, there seems to be few adverse side-effects from using these breast enhancers.

There are several herbs and plants which traditionally have been used in folk medicine for breast problems, and these are some of the herbs that modern breast enhancers use individually or in different combinations. It is wise to check the quality of the herbal preparations before you buy. Search for a women's discussion group that features all natural breast enhancers and ask any questions you have.

There has been considerable attention created by these herbal products, and not all of it is positive. There is still some controversy among the health profession as to whether the herbal breast enhancers actually work, but there are many testimonials of women who are happy with their results.

Article Source:

How to Increase Libido in Women

Loss of libido in a normally sexually active woman can be distressing both for them and for their partner. The woman may not understand what has changed and why, whereas her partner may take the situation personally. If there has not been a problem with her libido in the past, the woman may want to look at issues that could have caused the sudden loss of libido.

Loss of sex drive can be caused by a number of things including illness, tiredness, stress, drugs or alcohol, medication, pregnancy, just having given birth or depression. The first step to correcting the situation is to try to determine the cause by looking at what has changed in her life in recent times. Some of the causes can be quite easy to fix - if she has started a new medication, this can be changed, for example.

Sometimes the cause of the woman's lack of sex drive is not a simple thing to determine. Therapy may help her uncover the reason and help her to deal with it. There are numerous preparations available to help in this area, some prescription drugs, and some herbal preparations. Sometimes a change in diet to include more healthy food choices is effective. Regular exercise is another method of easing the situation by helping to decrease stress and lethargy.

Recognizing that she has a problem with her libido is the most important step a woman can take to reverse the situation. She needs to talk to someone who will understand; a search of the internet will turn up groups of women who are also suffering from this fairly common problem. Being able to discuss the problem and ask questions, have support from women who have been there and get some strategies to help, will benefit her more than anything else.

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