There are as many opinions on how to recover from rape as there are books, services, articles and blog posts on the subject. I choose to share mine with you because I've seen and read much from jaded, negative, cynical "victims" who are still living as victims. Your following their advice can only lead you to live as a victim yourself. I am one of the few rape survivors, I'm aware of, with a positive attitude about men, dating, safety and life in general, so let's get you on the same path!
1. Realize rape is not personal
Every attack, from name calling to rape and murder, is all about the attacker and the power-fix he or she seeks. Although you can put yourself in a dangerous situation, the blame always lies with the attacker.
2. Release it from your subconscious
Talking will prolong your agony and lead you in circles. Hypnosis, EFT, and other energy techniques that reach the subconscious mind (where the situation is filed) will help if you truly want recovery.
3. Check your self-esteem
After I achieved healthy self-esteem, I realized having it earlier would have prevented the rape situation in my life and many other less positive experiences.
4. Establish and enforce personal boundaries
Determine, ahead of time, what is acceptable and unacceptable to you to prevent yourself from entering dangerous situations. Doing this will boost your confidence, which results in healthier self-esteem.
5. Choose to live as a survivor
My definition of victim: "Someone who is currently being attacked." The rape is over; you cannot be a victim of it any longer. You can, however, choose to live as a victim of your own negative attitude like many of the aforementioned "authorities" on surviving rape.
6. Chin up, live life
Allowing a creep from the past to control your present and future is giving all of your power away. Women are the strongest creatures on the Earth; join the party!
So rape is something that occurred in your life as it did in mine. We move forward strengthened from what we've been through, not weakened because of it. In seeking information on how to recover from rape, make sure you want the life of the person you're taking advice from. I live positive, happy, grateful and abundant every day.
And now I'd like to invite you to get your FREE Instant Access to a 20-Minute TeleSeminar Audio entitled, "How to Release Fear, for Safety's Sake," and a sample Safety Quick Tip when you visit
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