Who Would I Be Without My Roles

"The woman who survives intact and happy must be at once tender and tough. She must... be in the unending process of convincing herself, that she, her values, and her choices are important...The pressure upon women to yield their rights-of-way is tremendous. And it is under those very circumstances that the woman's toughness must be in evidence."
Maya Angelou

What roles do you play in your life? Entrepreneur, Professional, Office worker, Mother, Partner, Daughter? It's a mixed bag. We live busy lives and fill our days with activities that go along with our roles. We multi-task, we juggle and we blend in an effort to get everything done.

Women love to connect. We play many roles that invariably involve connection with others. Our life is often defined by community. Researchers have been aware of this for many years.

Louann Brizendine, MD, author of The Female Brain says part of the reason we seek connectedness is a natural need for positive feedback from others. Studies have shown that even very young baby girls need eye contact and smiles to tell them that people are pleased with them. Grown women also tend to be more sensitive to and react more to guilt feelings than men do.

The interconnectedness we seek and often find through our roles can be very satisfying. However there is a potential downside. Because of our desire to connect with and nurture others, we may take our roles too much to heart. Sometimes we become so engrossed in them we're not really sure where we end as a person and our role begins.

This is when the trouble starts. Women often talk about feeling overworked, underpaid and under-appreciated in jobs, at home and in the community. It's a challenge to step back and see that there's often a link between our frustrations and the way we approach the many roles that make up our lives.

Eckhart Tolle says
"Pre-established roles may give you a somewhat comforting sense of identity, but ultimately you lose yourself in them...Authentic human interactions become impossible when you lose yourself in a role."

The tension between our roles and our own needs is compounded when we hit midlife. Until menopause our brains are programmed by "the delicate interplay of hormones, physical touch, emotions and brain circuits to care for, fix and help those around us..." according to Brizendine. She also reminds us of the feminist viewpoint that society reinforces us for pleasing others. Our brain circuits don't change completely in midlife, but the estrogen and oxytocin that provided the fuel for our caregiving have decreased considerably. This means our thoughts, our feelings and our very brain function changes.

There we are in the midst of demanding lives with myriad roles, responsibilities and schedules, and suddenly perimenopause with its attendant needs begins. We realize that we crave time to ourselves. We feel torn and sometimes we begin to rebel against our life.

Rites of Passage require isolation. The Midlife Passage is an important Rite of Passage for women. Susun Weed, author of Menopausal Years... the Wise Woman Way, advocates a Crone's Time Away during the intense period near the end of perimenopause when many women find themselves desperate to be alone. It's an opportunity to reassess our lives and rejuvenate ourselves. In the best of possible worlds we would all get this opportunity, but that's not the case.

Although an extended vacation, sabbatical or Year Away is ideal, women can and do remain at home and still take time for themselves. It's not hard to do a modified form of retreat even if at home if you give yourself permission to do so! The extent of your 'time away' depends also on factors such as children's ages and job or business flexibility. But where there is a will there is a way!

Many women are finding ways to change their lives and to take mini-breaks to rejuvenate and reassess priorities. My neighbour took a year off from all her community boards and activities to check in with herself. She discovered that she did not want to return to that way of life; she required a slower pace that allowed her to tend to her own health needs, resettle her aged mother, and enjoy group kayaking. This seems to work well for her.

Other women decrease their work hours to three or four days per week. Many single midlife women have moved to small communities like mine to begin new lives, following the lead of their intuition. They live simply and inexpensively and build a life of quality for themselves.

For some of us, only minor changes are needed to step free of the burden of our roles, for others nothing but a complete life change is required. Martha Beck refers to making change in our lives as "redecorating". She says:

"My devout hope is...that you've discovered that your life needed only a bit of redecorating, at most an extra room or two, in order to be absolutely perfect. But...in my [earlier] life unhappiness wasn't so easy to escape...I couldn't just redecorate my life to get out of those situations. I had to raze it to the ground, dig up the foundations, and start the whole thing over from scratch.."

We are so much more than the sum of our roles. More than we can possibly imagine in our wildest dreams. But in the push to fulfill our duties and responsibilities we sometimes forget this. When we take the time to pull back from our daily lives, when we seek the stillness inside, it is there that we find our true selves. When we allow ourselves to tune inward, we know what kind of 'redecorating' our lives need.

For more information about Self-care during the midlife years, the following may be helpful to you:

Susun Weeds' work:

20 Minute Retreats by Rachel Harris, pub. Henry Holt

First published in Timefinders Online Magazine

c 2008 Ellen Besso

Ellen Besso inspires and guides Midlife Women as they navigate the midlife maze and find joy & fullness in their lives. Working with Ellen, renew body, mind and spirit and dissolve beliefs that keep you from your ideal life.

Ellen's calling is to support and mentor midlife women and she is uniquely qualified to do this with 25 years as a women's coach and counsellor and as a fellow midlife maze navigator

If you yearn to:
· Clarify your midlife journey
· Move closer to your personal truth
· Connect with your body, mind & spirit
· Allow joy back into your life
· Realize your dreams

Any Plans for The Weekend?

It's Friday and you are ready to tackle the weekend. Most people look forward to doing their own thing and enjoying the time off from work. A lot of us like to dine out, go to a movie or a concert or perhaps go dancing! Weekends are great for socializing and meeting new people. It's all fun and worry free, right? Wrong! With all the socializing activities going on during the weekend, there is also a lot of crime going on as well! Many crimes are committed on weekends because criminals have more people to choose from. They know that most people have their guard down and they take advantage of it. There is also more people under the influence of alcohol, which makes them an easy target for attackers.

It is important to remember to always keep your guard up, especially during these 2 socializing days of the week. I'm not saying to be on the lookout constantly, but to try to get into some good safety habits. Below are 5 good habits you should acquire and practice not just on the weekend but all the time.

1. Be aware of the world around you, don't go around like a zombie, not observing your environment or the people around you. It actually is more enjoyable to take it all in, instead of having tunnel vision.

2. Carry a self defense product with you at all times, such as pepper spray, a stun gun, personal alarm or a Taser. No matter how physically strong you are, you can always be caught off-guard or become distracted. Also, familiarize yourself with your self defense product. Know how to use it, learn what it is capable of doing to a person and if it runs on batteries, make sure it works. If your product is expired, like pepper spray can be, replace it as suggested by the manufacturer.

3. Always be aware of situations that can become dangerous. For instance, walking through a parking lot, in a public garage, isolated stairway, alley, or just in a place where there are few or no persons around that can help you if you get into trouble. In cases like these, you should have your self defense product readily available just in case you need it. This means take the product out of your purse, pocket or holster and if it needs to be turned on, turn it on and be prepared. This also includes going into the outdoors for a hike by yourself. Just because you are surrounded by nature, does not mean that it is safe.

4. Never leave a social gathering with a stranger or person you just met. Plan to meet with them again in a social environment, several times before taking the risk of trusting someone that could be a rapist or murderer.

5. Just like you are in the habit of picking up your keys before you leave your house, you should make it a habit of picking up a self defense product as well. A good thing to do is to lay it by your keys, this way you have it readily available to take with you when you pick up your keys and head out the door.

These safety tips, of course, are just a few things to remember and become used to doing on a daily basis. There are many more tips for safety on the internet that you can become familiar with. Have a great weekend and be SAFE!

WomenOnGuard.com was designed by two women who deeply believe in combating violent crimes against women before they happen by empowerment and prevention. WomenOnGuard.com sells non lethal, self defense products such as Mace, pepper sprays, personal alarms and stun devices such as stun guns. Protect yourself or a loved one and visit http://www.womenonguard.com and purchase a safety product. These products make great gifts that show you care.

Views On Women

Men and women are morally and intellectually equal. There are obvious physical differences between the sexes in terms of size and strength. Likewise, there are psychological differences, due to sexual roles, childbearing, etc. However, the point is both men and women survive on earth primarily by their minds i.e. their rational faculty.

In cultures, there is a direct correlation between the culture's quality of life, including general prosperity, political freedom, and the status of women. The abject poverty, political tyrannies, and general miserable conditions and attitudes in the Islamic world and Africa go hand in glove with the miserable status of women, including beatings, forced marriages, "honor killings", genital mutilations, foot binding, etc. At the same time, the prosperity and general quality of life in the Western world, especially the United States, correlate with the infinitely higher status of women.

Today, in this country, rap music is becoming progressively more obscene in its views towards women. Also, it's been pointed out that there are increasing numbers of web sites that demean the sex, either in terms of their intelligence or their "proper" roles as servants and vessels. Therefore, we can't be complacent as to prevailing attitudes anywhere towards women.

Women have demonstrated that they can handle virtually any occupation as well as men. Maybe firefighters and a few occupations relying on sheer physical strength have (very limited) degrees of exception. The point is these are borderline cases and don't invalidate the general rule.

Throughout my business career, from the 1960's to today, women have worked for me as actuaries, involving often intricate applied mathematics and statistics. These individuals always demonstrated ability equal to any male actuaries.

In summary, both men and women survive by their minds, and prosper to the extent they exercise their rational faculties.

Check out Norm's blog at www.noralyn.com

Norman E. Hill has written numerous industry articles. His book "Winner and Final Chairman" will be out in June 08. You can see more of Norm's thoughts at http://www.noralyn.com

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